
In 2017, at the ripe old age of 4, Slack had grown to 1.5m paid subscribers, 60,000 active teams, and 5.8m active weekly users. And all that happened without so much as a marketing campaign, popup ad or bulk email solicitation.  So how did founder Stewart Butterfield create such a behemoth success? By focusing on what Read more

Melbourne app development startup Buzinga in liquidation

Buzinga, the Melbourne-based mobile software development startup has gone into liquidation. The company had big aspirations to become Australia’s best workplace by 2017, expanding it’s office to include new collaboration spaces and the popular ‘we’re a startup’ piece of furniture, a ping pong table. With an admirable mission, a solid portfolio and a team of talented Aussies on the Read more

Does my app idea already exist?

A common concern with people creating an app for the first time, is whether or not their idea already exists. And if it isn’t a concern, it should be. Knowing the competitive landscape in any business venture is extremely important. It is imperative that you understand the market you’re playing in, who your customers are and who Read more

How to make money from an app

Monetisation strategies for your mobile app If you have come up with a great idea for a mobile app, you are likely hoping to make some money from it. This process requires expert strategy in order to be successful. It is crucial to establish this strategy and to back yourself with the right people supporting you Read more

How to market your app

3 Mobile App Promotion Strategies That Actually Work. You have just created the best app the world has ever seen. Congrats – but there’s more work to be done. Launching an app successfully and driving the downloads your app deserves will require a bit of marketing know-how. The good news is, we know how to create Read more

Merry Christmas from Dapper!

What a year it has been! The UK voted to leave the EU, Brazilians hosted the Summer Olympics and Americans voted for Trump. Among all the big news that happened this year, 2016 also marked a milestone for us at Dapper – our first full calendar year! We’ve had an incredible 12 months, all thanks to Read more

It’s cool to be uncool

Once upon a time, being a nerd wasn’t so cool. You got stuffed into lockers and spent weekends playing video games in your mother’s basement. Okay, so that last part may still be true, but nowadays, engineers/developers/scientists/etc are at the top of the food chain and ‘nerd’ is the new cool. This rebranding of nerd into goddess Read more

5 ways to become a Rock Startup™

We’ve all heard the rags to riches stories of tech’s most illustrious rock startups™, jettisoning those behind the corporate rise into celebrity status. Zuckerberg, Jobs and Branson are among the elite ranks of Cher, Madonna, Adele, Bono and few others who’ve attained success and fame to such a degree that they can be known by one singular name Read more

Top 15 quotes from rock stars you can apply to your startup

Running with the notion that tech entrepreneurs are equivalent to this generation’s rock stars, here’s 15 pieces of sound advice from some of the coolest rock stars around. Sure, these leather wearing superstars are talking music, but you’ll notice their fortune cookie snippets of wisdom also describe the tenacity required to be a successful tech entrepreneur. Just Read more