Dapper Apps can design and build custom web or mobile applications for your individual business needs.

With today’s workforce increasingly relying on mobile devices for communication and to perform everyday work tasks, it is the ideal time to focus on this shift in working methods and processes, subsequently benefiting from the many advantages the mobile workforce has to offer.

What is enterprise application development/enterprise mobility?

Enterprise mobility refers to the growing trend of employees working outside the office and using mobile devices to complete tasks that could previously only be done on-site or on paper.

Company data is no longer only stored locally on managed servers but rather more and more businesses are realising the advantages the cloud has to offer for storing files, hosting applications, and allowing employees to work from anywhere in the world.

Enterprise software performs business functions such as order processing, procurement, production scheduling, customer information management, energy management, and accounting.

Most people are familiar with consumer apps that are designed to make life easier for the client or customer in terms of browsing products, booking services, and so on. Enterprise app development is instead concerned with creating software for use by the employees within a company.

These applications may replace or enhance pre-existing technology such as a company intranet. They can also provide totally new functionality that is only possible because every employee owns and uses a mobile device as part of their working day.

Why are enterprise apps needed?

These apps can help to improve efficiency in the workplace and speed up internal communication, business processes and functions. They can also help to greatly reduce paperwork, streamline data capture, as well as enable enhanced reports and monitoring for all aspects of the business.

For example, your business may require an integrated field base app. This app could include all the following:

  • Company work instructions, forms, and information
  • Training and compliance data
  • Reference documents (plans, drawings, and specifications)
  • FAQs
  • Resource utilisation
  • GPS tracking for staff and company assets

In this way, a single application could replace many different software and non-electronic systems; speed up and improve workflow; and add additional functionality that was simply not available until more recent years.

GPS tracking for example could allow an app to track the position of every employee with a mobile device to a highly accurate level. It might suggest optimal routes for them to travel between tasks and alert them when they might be fatigued. This technology has revolutionised industries such as private transport and delivery both for the customer and at an operational level.

Types of business that can benefit from enterprise apps

The possibilities that custom enterprise software development provides are almost limitless. Almost any business can benefit from the use of mobile applications and custom software, no matter how big or small it is, or what sector it is in.

Some potential examples include:

  • Restaurants and cafes – Many restaurants now use mobile applications to manage tables, orders, and menus, eliminating the traditional paper-pad system for taking orders and making managing seating and billing more efficient.
  • New media and software – Tech companies were unsurprisingly one of the first to embrace mobile technology and most use apps for project planning, time tracking, and productivity.
  • Delivery and fulfilment – Mobile apps provide an integrated environment to track vehicles, optimise routes for drivers, manage schedules, and log deliveries.
  • Architecture and engineering – A mobile application could provide access to a repository of plans and other documents, replace traditional site checklists, and allow capturing of photographs and notes.
  • Design and creative – Technology is not only for planning and organization, it can also be an amazing creative tool. Apps can provide inspiration, increased opportunities for collaboration, and a range of design tools.
  • Retail – Mobile is the latest trend in the retail environment where more businesses are supplying their staff with mobile devices and app that allow them to see stock levels, take payments and product information to assist customers more efficiently.

Enterprise application integration

Enterprise application integration allows different software applications to communicate with each other and provides interfaces for the flow of data without the need for manual export and import.

Many companies use a lot of different types of software and applications that could benefit from full integration such as customer relationship management (CRM) systems, sales, marketing, analytics, business planning, and more.

Integrating all these applications together not only speeds up the workflow but also ensures there is only one set of data, which is updated across all platforms in real-time. Making company documents, data and information efficient, effective and highly accessible.

Custom software development for your business

Whatever your needs when it comes to enterprise mobility and app development, Dapper Apps can help. Contact us to discuss your needs, or get a quote for a project and start benefiting from our skills and experience today.

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